Die korrekte Anforderung eines Mindestumsatzes pro Raum stellt sicher, dass jeder Tagungsraum bei seiner Vermietung einen bestimmten Mindestumsatz pro Tag nicht unterschreitet. Schließlich möchte man verhindern, dass in einer stark nachgefragten Zeit der schönste Raum für zu wenige Teilnehmer und einer Tasse Kaffee vermietet wird.
This article describes how to work out a realistic minimum turnover.
Determine the minimum turnover
- Use your previous year’s sales to work out your day-to-day seasonal demand for the meeting rooms. Please only take into account total revenue (net before VAT)which you have recorded per room per day for room rental, technology rental and F&B packages.
- Decide how many different seasonal rates are sensible. Many meeting hotels have two to three different seasonal rates.
- In the third step, you determine the minimum daily sales rate you achieved per season period, ignoring anomalies or highly discounted contract customers.
The lowest revenue that you have accepted per room in each seasonal group in the offline world should be the minimum turnover you enter per room. - Enter the determined minimum turnover per meeting room.
Caution: Very often, the minimum turnover is set much too high. This results in your offers to the customer being much more expensive than they expect from their initial inquiry.
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